Simiwitness says
Again, I have no problem with that, since that becomes your OPINION and is not based on anything other than your own perceptions of things. Many other organizations outside of the JW would and do say the same thing.
No. Those are undeniable facts. No other religious organization can even come close to measuring up as regards obeying Christ.
If Christ is your leader, how can you ignore his SPECIFIC instructions at Luke 21:8?
No one is ignoring those instructions. Does the Watchtower claim to be Christ? Of course not. Furthermore you presume to know what the due time is that the false prophets would claim had approached. Obviously it is not the announcement of Christ's presence because the mere existence of the false prophets is in itself one of the evidences of Christ's presence. Christ's warning really hasn't become relevant yet, in that in Matthew Jesus' warning concerning false christs, and false prophets who claimed to know the whereabouts of Christ, has reference to what is to occur during the tribulation. So, until we get in that period and experience the sort of all out deception that will be in operation during the hysteria of war and financial collapse, we really can't appreciate how the decievers will try to convince the world that the Christ is on earth---that the due time has arrived. You are very much in error.
/ You Know